Friday 25 January 2008

New Projects Completed (nearly)

For anyone interested, I've just finished a handful of projects including:

Sourcing music for adidas - Niqo will be featured on the Stella website

Sourcing music for burberry - looks like The Late Greats will be on the New Thomas Burberry website

Sourcing music for microsoft - looks like the Olympus Mons will be included in the soundtrack for a new commerical.

My soul is sold, but at least the three aforementioned bands will be keeping me company!

music consultancy, adidas, burberry, microsoft.


I've just kicked off a new idea called 'new artist exposure', its name pretty much gives the concept away. Every week I pick an artist whose sound i think could really sit well in a film, tv or commercial soundtrack and then email information and the track (which is hosted on our site) out to the record-play mailing list.

I hear a lot of good music when sourcing for the projects worked on and this is a way of helping the musicians exposure their music for potential cash generating projects.

Tuesday 8 January 2008

King Lines, Soundtrack Supervision

King Lines, the new epic Climbing Documentary film from BigUPproductions has finally landed. I had been holding out to see it for ages and it seemed that almost everyone else in the world had. Finally, after Royal Mail decided I was worthy, they provided.

Special thanks to all the artists who permitted us to license their music. It looks like theres going to be an official soundtrack release and theres a possibility of the film getting a TV release later in the year.

Artists included:
Broken Sound Collective, Bussetti, Cinematic Orchestra, Custom Blue, King Seven, Late Greats, Macaco, Oblong, The French Quarter, Throwing Snow, Up Bustle and Out, We Are Wolves, Will It Snow.